Friday, March 7, 2008

Staying On Track

How many times have you had a great idea or found something you were passionate about that absolutely enthralled you. It made you feel like you were on top of the world, like you were that guy who got hopped up on PCP and took a dozen gun shots from the cops!

Then a couple days later you either have completely forgotten about it or lost all hope. Why? Why do we do this and more importantly how can we avoid feeling this way. Well.. it's easy for me to say "Shit or get off the pot!! Blah Blah Blah! etc" but the truth is is that it helps keep myself motivated as well. By me constantly coming up with new ways to keep you on your toes I open up new ways for myself as well.

Success cannot be achieved by one path, but through all avenues of one's self. ..Hmm.. What I'm trying to say in a less cryptic 'conficious' type of way is that there is no get rich quick scheme. Well there is, there are many. Unfortunately though you can't do them from the comfort of your couch. You gotta get the fuck off your couch. Your couch loves your ass and your ass loves sitting on your couch. It's a vicious cycle. What your gonna have to do is use your mind to first put into place what your trying to accomplish. This will take focus. Like a fuckin lazer beam type of focus. Trust me you are no lazer beam. Not yet anyways.

You must then work out in what way you will achieve this goal you set for yourself. This takes a number of things depending on how you plan to achieve what it is you are trying to accomplish. Some may use sheer luck and faith to purposely step in shit. I know you know the expression. Some may use their keen problem solving abilities to advance a goal. One thing is certain, the point of this step is set your self up to action phase.

Action muthafuckin Jackson bitches. God I loved that movie. Anyways, Action Jackson didn't talk shit. He DID shit. Which is what I want you to do. Which is what I do. As a matter of fact I'm about to go for a run outside, in the rain at night in the cold. Because I dont feel like it. Remeber: NOT doing something you don't feel like doing is a sure way never to accomplish anything.


OK. whew.. just got back from a good 10 min sprint around the neighborhood. I got soaked.
Any which way... I think you people get the point of this one.

If your scared to jump, dive right in.

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