On the long winding road to success, your going to run into some road blocks. Some bumps in the road. Fuck, you might smash through the guard rail of sanity into the fiery pit failure down loser mountain. BUUUUT, what you have to remember is that even though you do everythnig you can your definately going to fuck up some where or your going to get fucked up. No one who is or was successful has ever gone their whole lives with out atleast one major flop.
It can be easy to forget that the possability of things not going smoothly can lurk maround every corner. Because when you know, really know how to succeed. Everything goes well, very well. You think things out, your motivated, your strong fast and hungry. Your dangerous. You've probably also got blinders on. The thing about putting blinders on when you've got your eye on the prize is that you can miss some things. So never forget to stop and take a peek around. You might be missing something important.
Also.. don't forget about the viscious LOA. (Law of attraction for you noobs out there.) I know when things are going well for me and an unforseen bump in the road hits it seems impossible. That right there can make a small set back feel like an onslaught of a hundred angry lawn gnomes. (Those little guys are down right ruthless.) This can inadvertantly lead to more set backs that are gonna put you off course. So remember when something doesnt go the way you expect, DO NOT FREAK OUT. Flip it around and try and learn something from it. You know what they say about those fuckin silver linings.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Dealing With Defeat
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Weird Science Law of Attraction Quantum Physics Oh My!
Quantum physics is now starting to bridge the gap between faith and science. As weird as it may sound. It may hold the answers to the secrets of the universe.
The video below is one from a series you should definately check out if you have some free time. It's entitled "What the Bleep Do We Know!" It can drag at points but overall its incredible to see the world infront of our eyes that we really can't see. Until now.
This is part 1 of 10. You can find the rest on you tube.
The Strangest Secret
The video below containes the recording as given by the owner of an Chicago insurance agency one night in 1956. As the story goes he jumped out of bed and immediately typed it out and recorded it the following day. The message was intended for his staff as he usually gave his weekly pep talk meetings and unfortunately he would be going out of town for vacation. He left them this.
The message would go on to be the first spoken word recording to achieve Gold record status. He, Mr. Nightingale would go on to form Nightingale-Conant Corporation with an inspired Chicago entrepreneur.I would become one of the worlds largest publishers and producers of personal development and self help material.
So just take 10 mins and listen. This may be the most important message you ever hear.
Napolean Hill - Think and Grow Rich
I've read a lot of material on success and motivation. Not much has gotten me as inspired as this book did. Take into account it was published in 1938 and it's sold over 30 million copies and countintg to date. Thats impressive, very impressive. If you haven't read it yet do yourself a favor and grab a copy.
The author was funded by Andrew Carnegie (arguably one of the most powerful men in the world in his time) to interview 500 of the most successful men in in the world. Of these 500 were such notable names as :
Thomas Edison (light bulbs, you know the little things that help uis see in the dark!)
Alexander Graham Bell (the phone guy)
George Eastman (take a picture it'll last longer)
Henry Ford (F.ixed O.r R.epaired D.aily M.y A.ss!)
Joey Stalin ( thats right, STALIN)
Big Teddy Roosevelt (if the name Roosevelt doen't say winner I donr know whay does)
Thats just a short list of the 500 successful people that he interviewed to write this book. His job was simple, Carnegie knew and believed that his success was somethig that could be duplicated if someone were to 'unlock' a formula for it. So Hill spoke with the successful gentlement to discover what made them all such a success, what separates them from the average folk.
What he would come to realize and discover was that quite literally "thoughts become things". If you don't believe or already know it you need to definatey look into it. Maybe you've heard some of the mumbo jumbo 'hype', but you still can't get over the fact that your in the place you are because x > determines y. The fact is actually that A > determines B, and YOU ARE 'A' !
Now some people take it as a matter of simple awareness. You may see results of altering your own luck only because your were aware of the opporuntity where before you may of passed right by it. This is true. You will notice what you are attuned to. However, once you begin to act on an inteniont you set fourth for yourself a string of odd and unlikely 'coincidences' will occur.
This cannot be denied.
The facts are in the science. Quantum physics are now starting to allude to fact that there may be something out there, in here ..err all around us we cannot explain so easily.
Check out the articles I've posted on Quantum Physics and The Strangest Secret for further proof you may not be as helpless as you think you are.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
3 Health and Fitness Myths Debunked
"Everybody wants a great body, but no one wants to lift these heavy ass weights." -Ronnie Coleman
You may not want to be a pro-body builder but odds are you don't have the 'perfect' body. If getting a healthier more attractive physique on your list of goals to achieve, this article is going to definately help you. SO LISTEN UP!
1)Lift high reps (12-15+) to get 'toned' and 'cut up' and lift low reps to build muscle. EHHHH!! WRONG! I'm amazed at the amount of people that still believe this. Even friends of mine at the gym. This is absolutely 100% UNTRUE. The only way your going to get 'cut up' is to lose body fat. Muscles will always look the same no matter what size they are. The only way your going to see them is if you lose the fat your flabby ass has covering them. Arms abs etc. So put down the soda stop eating fuckin fast food and put some effort into it. If your not gonna put 150% into anything your not going to get ANYWHERE!
I've done it, you've done it we've all complained about our bodies or thought to ourselves "why can't I look like so n so". Well it's time to stop whining like children and take responsibility for our actions. Do you wanna a fat lazy slob all your life? I didn't think so. Our country is over run with our our obesity. It's pathetic. The cost alone of healthcare to treat people with diabetes and heart disease is insane.
I used to think I was 'big boned' or had a lage frame.. or 'destined to be a fat person'. I know some of you probably feel that way too. Now I wasn't morbidly obese but I was a chunker for sure. Anyways it turns out i was just eating like a fuckin pig! SUPRISE!! Living off of soda,fast food and not excercising will turn you into a fatty mcfat pants. I know I know. It was a big shock to me too.
2)Metabolism-"I can't lose weight my metabolism isn't like it used to be." WRONG FATTY! Research indicates that it's not your metabolism that slows down it's loss in muscle tissue/activity. So get out there quit the excuses.
3) This ones for Lazy. Yea I'm talkin' to you Mr. I dont wanna get up to answer the phone it's too far. You DON'T need to excercise to lose weight. That right you heard me! The body needs X amount of calories to run through the day. If you eat a surplus of calories you gain weight. If you east just under X amount(2-500) you lose weight. Simple as that. Do yourself a favor and google calorie calculators to figure out what you need.
Take these little bits of truth with you. Living a happy healthy and successful and life is full time job for those that understand what it truly means.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
2 Easy Steps to Achieve Your Goals
Where is it you would like to go? New York , L.A. , London , Berlin perhaps? Nooo no no.. of course not. You want to get rich. You want to be skinny. You need a lover. A new job maybe? I thought so. Well if you really want to get some where your going to need a goal first.
O.K. first things first right? WRONG! PAY ATENTION! Before you set your goals you need to know if your setting the right goals. It's easy and can be broken down into several steps. Follow my lead.
Step 1) Specify, be clear. Your going to need a definate plan. Whether your write it down or work it out in your head is up to you. I don't give a shit. It's your goal. The thing is, is that unless you have a real and definate point of success ; victory is nearly impossible. If you set out on vacation and start driving anywhere, where are you going to end up? I don't know. Do you.. NO , you dont.. The place might be a fuckin shit hole. Is that where you wanna be? Of course not..so PLEASE.. do us both a favor and take a minute to think about EXACTLY where you want to go and HOW you are going to get there.
Step 2) I know what your thinking now... "I know where I want to get/what I want to achieve , but I don't know HOW to get there." Well guess what. It doesn't matter. Just do somthing. That fact that your reading this right now proves to me and you that your searching. For what , I dont know. That's somthing your gonna have to figure out if you haven't already.
Just remember this, nobody was born a brain surgeon or a real estate tycoon. They had to do a little detective work. They had to make the effort somewhere to get where they are. People often forget that. It's great to look to someone for inspiration, but don't ever put anybody up on a pedastool. Who ever it is you'd like to be more like, had to start somewhere. Just like you. Remembver that.
The best thing to do is start small. Not too small, but realistic enough that you know you can achieve it. If you can't make a little progress your not going to change the world. "Every journey starts with a single step." I dont remember who said it but it's incredibly accurate.
Step 3) I thought I had more steps for you but I'm going to let you go. Two is all you need to get started on whatever it may be you choose to accomplish. So just get out there and do it.. and the rest will fall into place. Trust me.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
How to Succeed in Life
What motivates you? What inspires you? What is it gonna take to finally light that flame under your ass? Do you always want to be fat over weight and unnatractive? Do you really want to have a doctor cut you open and start playing with your clogged plumbing? Are you really satisfied with "just getting by" your entire life? Are you going to wait until you can't breathe at all to quit smoking?
What? What is it.... What is it going to take for you to really BE the person you'd like to be in your dreams. Your own personal fantasy version of your self...
Well guess what. THIS ISN'T A FUCKING FANTASY. THIS is real life. WAKE UP. Get off your lazy unproductive ass and do somthing about it. Do somthing about you. Do you think that anyone who ever achieved anything great worried about not being able to find the time? Do you think they ever doubted themselves? I've got news for you. They DID. Everyone is human. EVERYONE has doubts and fears and worries. The thing that separates the haves and the have nots is the ability to get over those fears and doubts. Its what takes charge and does somthing about it. The only person holding you back is you.
Take a moment and think about it. Whats really holding you back. "My job.. my wife..my kids.. my obligations. I have no time. I'm too old. I'm too young blah blah blah."
Well guess what.
BOO FUCKIN HOO! Cry me a river. Then I'll build my own bridge over it. Because I'm not going to waste time trying to figure out a way around it. Teach your self a lesson we've all heard a thousand times before. There is no try.. only do. Winners don't tryyy to do somthing , winners do. Just get it done. Remember when you parents would yell at you when you were a kid about school or chores. They would yell and you would go "Ok ok ok... I'll try."
Now I understand that sometimes outside influences can severly affect the outcome of your actions. So your hard work and dedication may not be enough. Your 'Can Do' attitude will not ALWAYS be your saving grace. For when this happens you need to realize that it is just stepping stone on your road to achieving greatness. Whatever that may mean... to you.
Stay tuned.. more to come soon....